The Klima Lounge Lamborghini Collection

Images: Dietmar Götz

1) Why do you collect Lamborghinis?

Because the design is totally emotional and they bring a lot of joy, endorphins and moments of happiness. And because I can share this with so many friends. Lamborghini is a wonderful family.

Dietmar Götz has an impressive collection of Lambo tractors

2) How is your collection organised?

I try to have at least one of every vehicle. My favourites are particularly rare and unusual examples with a special history, as well as prototypes.

3) Which Lamborghini would you never part with and why? And which automobile/memorabilia would you never part with?

That would probably be the Lamborghini Countach Turbo S and my Lamborghini Centenario #01, as well as the Lamborghini Carioca from 1948, the first Lamborghini ever that Ferruccio Lamborghini built by hand and which is still in its original, fully functional condition. In general, however, I find it very difficult to part from every single piece. As automobilia/memorabilia, I have a few personal items from Ferruccio Lamborghini that I wouldn't part with.

Several of Lamborghini's first model of the 350GT and the 400GT are in the collection

4) Your Lamborghinis are always in excellent condition, where do you have them restored?

I restore some of these myself or through a hand-picked, very well-founded network of experts that has been built up over the decades and who have knowledge that goes beyond all boundaries. This is also open to our customers. We are happy to help with enquiries about restorations.

5) How did you get the Lamborghini Espada with glass roof?

I followed the Monaco Espada for years and finally bought it at an auction. Its history as a one-off and Grace Kelly make it very special.

Film: "Espada Monaco"

Amongst the rarities is one of the convertible 350 GTs

6) Is it important to you that your Lamborghinis have a factory certificate?

The certification is a special document, but for laypeople it is also an excellent way of confirming the originality and authenticity of the Lamborghinis. It increases the market value of the vehicles and makes them even more special. Under the FLC® brand [standing for Ferruccio Lamborghini Cento], which is my property, we have recently started offering factory certification for classic Lamborghini tractors.

A couple of Miuras with a more recent Aventador

7) Are you more of a collector or a classic car dealer?

Both. However, the trade enables the passion for collecting and the passion drives the trade. The focus of the trade is always to hand over a piece of cultural heritage and Lamborghini history to the new owner, to make him happy and perhaps fulfil a lifelong dream.

8) Does the collection have anything to do with the Climate Lounge or are these two completely different topics?

Yes, after customers had bought our garages or equipped their garages with our technology, the question very often arose as to what they should put in the garage and whether the vehicles with which we advertised the garages were also for sale. Over the years, this led to a trade specializing in classic Italian Lamborghini cars.

The unique Lamborghini Espada with the glass roof

9) How did you become interested in tractors and do they have potential on the collectors' market?

I came across the tractors as a result of my intensive study of the history of the Lamborghini brand, its origins and the life of Ferruccio Lamborghini. The tractors represent the unmistakable core, character and origin of the Lamborghini brand and it is important to understand that without the Lamborghini tractors there would be no Lamborghini super sports cars. The last 10 years have seen a huge worldwide demand for the tractors. The collectors' market has discovered them as very rare, exclusive collector's items that are a great pleasure to own and also a very good investment. Some models can fetch up to a million euros. But the journey is only just beginning. If anyone is interested in such vehicles, we have great exhibits for sale. Just send us an enquiry.

A very special turbocharged Countach

Enquiry link:

10 How did it come about that you were able to use the old Lamborghini logo?

FLC®, [standing for Ferruccio Lamborghini Cento] we were able to acquire the brand's first logo. We will actively use this to cultivate the history of Lamborghini. As I had already distinguished myself through my special services to the Lamborghini legend, it quickly became clear that this would be a very good fit for our activities and the cultivation of Lamborghini history. We took this on with the Klima Lounge®.

A bit of Sant'Agata in Germany

11) How did the collaboration with Fabio Lamborghini come about and what is its function?

I have been friends with Fabio for decades now. He was also our best man for the wedding. Fabio Lamborghini wants to preserve the history of the Lamborghini legend and make it possible for posterity to experience and understand it. Together with him, we have built up a fantastic and unique collection and museum, from which we are currently selling some important examples to enthusiasts at favourable prices this year.

12) Not only do they have beautiful Lamborghinis, but also many documents about the brand and an impressive museum. Wouldn't a book about the history of Lamborghini be a perfect addition?

We have actually been close to entering into a co-operation for a book several times. We've had several requests over the years. It hasn't worked out yet due to time constraints. But it will happen at some point.

A most amazing collection of Lamborghini tractors

13) How do you like today's Lamborghinis or would you like to see a different design style?

Today's vehicles are also very beautiful in their own way. However, my heart beats especially for the classics by Marcello Gandini, his design language was ground-breaking for Lamborghini. Electrification is just a political epoch, it robs the vehicles of their historic soul, but that is the modern state of affairs and big business these days.

14) How do you feel about Lamborghini today compared to the past?

I am very pleased that Lamborghini is so successful "today" and that more and more people can share the joy of the Lamborghini. The "early" is the family Lamborghini. We have the best contacts for this, which we cultivate intensively with friends and customers.

More of the tractors

15) What is the best story you have ever heard in connection with Lamborghini?

  • Conquered my dream woman ten years ago with the Miura SV rosso.

  • Miura SV yellow rescued from the Swiss mountains from firsthand owner.
  • Carioca, the first Lamborghini to be built personally by hand by Ferruccio Lamborghini and the foundation for the whole Lamborghini myth.

But there are so many beautiful stories that have been spread over the decades. Everything together is like a beautiful lingering dream.

A plaque that says that this is the one and only Lamborghini Espada with a glass roof

16) What connections do you have with Sant'Agata Bolognese, where the Lamborghini super sports cars are made?

I celebrated my wedding there in 2015, which also led to a friendship with the mayor Giuseppe Vicinelli.

In 2016, the municipality of Sant'Agata Bolognese decided to name a piazza after the city's hard-working and successful entrepreneur, Ferruccio Lamborghini, to honour him and his services to the city. This is how the "Ferruccio Lamborghini Piazza" came into being.

The idea was quickly born to also decorate the square with a bronze monument of Ferruccio Lamborghini with the Miura in his memory. Under the direction of Cristina Guizzardi, Ferruccio Lamborghini's former secretary and the retired director of the factory museum, and Fabio Lamborghini, the artist Alessandro Rasponi began creating a special bronze bust of Ferruccio Lamborghini in 2016. The Klima-Lounge® company donated this project in its entirety, which was also immortalized on the plaque attached to the bust, which was ceremoniously inaugurated in 2018.

A beautifully original tractor announcing the Klima Lounge

Due to the special connection between Sant'Agata, Bolognese and Sant'Agata, Germania, both municipalities became twinned towns. As the initiator of this connection, I was offered honorary citizenship from Italy for my special services.