Lamborghini Arena: An Event for all the Senses

Images: Branko Radovinovic

On the weekend of 6 and 7 April, the Imola circuit hosted 'Lamborghini Arena', the biggest event ever organised by the Sant'Agata Bolognese company. The past and present of Lamborghini were celebrated in the heart of the Motor Valley with a huge festival open to all car lovers. Hundreds of Lamborghinis from all over the world were the stars of the weekend on the track, while in the paddock visitors could admire the icons of the past and immerse themselves in the future.

Eyelashes added a feminine touch to the muscular Miura; they were omitted on the SV for cost reasons

What a special venue for this special event: the legendary Imola circuit was chosen for the 'Lamborghini Arena', which took place in Italy on 6 and 7 April. A wise choice, as it is easily accessible and can accommodate thousands of guests. Over these two days, thousands of fans flocked to the event, which Lamborghini organized in this form for the first time in its history.

It is rare to see both versions of the Diablo SE30 on the same day

The concept was based according to Stephan Winkelmann on a holistic presentation of the brand. This meant that the different areas such as new cars, racing cars, restoration, and certification of classic cars, etc. were presented to the guests in themed areas.

Visitors had the unique opportunity to admire the performance of the Essenza SCV12, a racetrack hypercar produced in a limited run of 40 units, which will thrill fans with the roar of its 830 hp naturally aspirated V12 engine.

Lamborghini Arena is about to start—even the roadwork has to stop for a minute

In the paddock, visitors were treated to an all-round Lamborghini experience. It started with the glory of the past, with unique cars on display in the Lamborghini Polo Storico.

Afterwards, numerous professional simulators allowed visitors to experience the thrill of driving a Huracán Super Trofeo EVO2 on the Imola circuit.

Lamborghini Lanzador prototype uses hexagonal wheel elements first seen on Miura and Marzal

The event was open to the public and was very well received. Guests, media (well looked after by Enrico Pavesi and his team), sports car owners and employees came from all over the world. It was a pleasure to mingle with the people, to talk to Stefan Winkelmann in passing. Or to watch Mitja Borkert and his designers sketching Lamborghinis!

Lamborghinis driving through the Imola visitors gallery—what an honour!

It was interesting to see how the designers go about their work: The first step is to use a black sheet of paper and a white pencil to concentrate on the idea and its graphic implementation. Paper is less forgiving than sophisticated drawing software. The designer then brings the essence of the desired form onto the sheet of paper. This is why design proposals are often slightly exaggerated; for instance, often wheels are too big in design illustrations.

What a nice combination—the Miura SV on the Imola circuit

When drawing, many designers start with the distance between the wheels, followed by a sweeping, flowing line that characterizes all Lamborghinis. The focus then shifts to the area where the engine sits, emphasized by a striking curve in the wheel arch, designed to resemble a muscle. Other characteristic details of the shape follow. After a few minutes, the first sketches are ready, and the process continues until the form is perfect. Of course, this is done with tools other than pencil and paper.

One of the most important characteristics of all Lamborghinis has always been colour

In general, the design area was always well attended, even by very young people. Many wanted a drawing or a signature from the designers. These are definitely the Lamborghini fans of the future!

The Diablo SE30 Jota—another timeless Marcello Gandini design

The enthusiasm in the eyes of the visitors was everywhere. And there really was so much to do that the hours went by like minutes. For example, you could see Lamborghinis on the track all day, and a Lamborghini in action is always a special experience. There were literally hundreds of Lamborghinis in the very large car park. Surprisingly without any barriers. This also symbolizes that everyone was welcome and that you can rely on the Lamborghini fans' respect for the cars and the brand in general. Great!

The Jarama S, perfectly restored by the factory—a still underestimated beauty

Some were surprised to see so many new-generation cars on display; there were only a handful of vintage Lamborghinis to admire. Magnificent examples such as the last Countach ever built. This silver car is very special as it was never sold. In fact, it left the production line and went straight into the museum. But it is not a static model, as it is often shown to journalists from all over the world. Just the sound of the V12 engine is enough to make you happy.

The last Countach ever built in silver, greeting a photographer

Or the last Jalpa, which even bears Ferruccio's personal signature on the inside of the glove compartment. This magnificent example of a Jalpa was originally ordered by a well-known German Lamborghini collector who knew Ferruccio personally. The yellow colour of the car is combined with a contrasting blue interior. The roof can be removed when the weather permits, as was the case at Imola.

The last Jalpa ever built with the original personal signature of Ferruccio. Very unique.

The blue metallic colour suits the Jarama S perfectly. Ferruccio wanted the Jarama to be an elegant car for everyday use combined with the power of a V12 engine—a gentleman's express. Just look at the lines of this underrated Gandini design. Given the short wheelbase, he did a brilliant job. As on the Alfa Romeo Montreal (another Gandini design), the light flaps were used to cover the lights when not in use. Lights—the eyes of the car—in general were a very important element for Gandini. This is clearly visible in many of his designs—as in human beings, the eyes are of the utmost importance as they are the means of communication.

Well chosen colour of the LM002 for a drive on the Imola circuit

The fact that there were so few classic Lamborghinis on display was simply due to the short notice of the event. The weather was also on our side this time: summery temperatures and blue skies rounded off a wonderful event.

All these cars could be seen on the track on Sunday for the highlight of the weekend, when around 500 Lamborghinis formed the largest cavalcade in the marque's history between the curbs.

And a yellow Jalpa to end the story with

Lamborghini has been making people dream since 1963. For many, this special weekend was a dream come true: to be part of the Lamborghini brand.

Branko Radovinovic

A lifelong fascination with automotive design, and Lamborghini in particular, led Branko to occasionally write and photograph for various Lamborghini clubs, as well as European car magazines.


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